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Image Haption ABLE

Haption ABLE

The Able is an exoskeleton haptic interface for the arm and the hand. It provides from 4 to 7 active degrees of freedom. Able is the first industrialized exoskeleton haptic device – it can be ordered off-the-shelf.The Able is available for right configuration and for left configuration.

Key features:
  • Rotation resolution 0.003°
  • Position resolution 0.001 mm
  • Rotation force continuous 12Nm
  • Forearm length 220 to 245 mm
  • Translation force continuous 37 N
  • Upper Arm length 275 to 325 mm
Possible applications:
  • Medical
  • Nuclear teleoperation
  • Virtual Reality

Technical specifications

Position resolution: 0.001 mm
Forearm length: 220 to 245 mm
Rotation resolution: 0.003°
Upper Arm length: 275 to 325mm

Access information

Corresponding infrastructure Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique
Interactive Robotics Lab

Plateau de Saclay, Boulevard Thomas Gobert, 91120 Palaiseau, France

Unit of access Working day