HomeTERRINet | The European Robotics Research Infrastructure Network

TERRINet project

It represents the effort made by Europe to maintain its leadership in Robotics, by focusing on research.

The project is also committed to grow and educate a new generation of researchers in Robotics able to design, develop and manage future robots

TERRINet, European Robotics Research Infrastructure Network

The European Robotics Research Infrastructures Networkaims at offering

High quality infrastructures
Excellent research services
Top-level training
to a multiplicity of users

General objectives

  • To serve as a multi-disciplinary, trans-national environment to facilitate cross-fertilization of ideas and sharing of excellent scientific research
  • To enable different users (researchers, entrepreneurs, students, …) to obtain easy access to various installations at providers’ infrastructures to fully exploit their potential and multiply their impact on research and innovation


  • Coherently with the rapidly emerging paradigm science-grounded robotics, fundamental scientific and technological challenges relevant to robotics will be faced and novel and more disruptive approaches will be experimentally taken in pursuing the vision of the robot of the future.
  • Innovation is fostered through a reinforced partnership of research organisations with industry.
  • A new generation of competent and highly creative researchers is educated that is ready to optimally exploit all the essential tools for their research both in academic and industrial fields.
  • The integrated and harmonised access to infrastructures and services resources will allow their exploitation as testing and evaluation facilities for innovation and will trigger more efficient technology transfer in Europe.

Project info

Acronym TERRINet
Project title The European Robotics Research Infrastructure Network
Topic INFRAIA-02-2017,
Call Identifier: H2020-INFRAIA-2016-2017
Type of Action RIA (Research and Innovation Action)
Starting – Ending date 1/12/2017 – 30/11/2021
Access period to infrastructures from 01/12/2018 to 30/11/2021

Join the TERRINet Project

Don’t miss the opportunity to implement your scientific idea!