HomeIndustriesUniversity of Ljubljana | TERRINet

Assistance for startup creation

  • At University of Ljubljana (UL): Ljubljana University Incubator (state-funded, 100% owned by UL).
  • UL in cooperation with other institutions: Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation (Institute “Jožef Stefan” – IJS).
  • UL in cooperation with other publicly-owned organizations: Technology park Ljubljana.
  1. Ljubljana University Incubator (Ljubljanski univerzitetni inkubator)
    • Comprehensive support for startups
    • Commercialization of the innovations in the startups
    • Mentoring
    • Events, workshops http://lui.si/ info@lui.uni-lj.si Ljubljana
  2. Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation (Center za prenos tehnologij in inovacij – IJS)
  3. Technology park Ljubljana (Tehnološki park Ljubljana)

Preparation, advice, and submission of patents

  • At University of Ljubljana (UL): Technology Transfer Office.
  • UL in cooperation with other institutions: Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation (Institute “Jožef Stefan”).
  1. Center for Technology Transfer (Center za prenos tehnologij – UL)
  2. Institute for Innovation and development of University of Ljubljana (Inovacijsko-razvojni inštitut Univerze v Ljubljani – IRI UL)
  3. Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation (Center za prenos tehnologij in inovacij – IJS)

Industrial outreach

  • At University of Ljubljana (UL): Technology Transfer Office.
  • UL in cooperation with other institutions: Center for technology transfer and innovation (Institute “Jožef Stefan”).
  • UL in cooperation with publicly-owned organizations: Consortium for Technology Transfer (KTT), Slovenian Tool and Die Development Center (TECOS).
  • Main activities: consulting, events, workshops and conferences (e.g. International Technology Transfer Conference – ITTC organized at Institute “Jožef Stefan”)
  1. Center for Technology Transfer (Center za prenos tehnologij – UL) University https://www.uni-lj.si/sodelovanje_z_gospodarstvom_in_sirsim_druzbenim_okoljem/cpt/ intelektualna.lastnina@uni-lj.si Ljubljana
  2. Institute for Innovation and development of University of Ljubljana (Inovacijsko-razvojni inštitut Univerze v Ljubljani – UL) University http://iri.uni-lj.si/en/about-us/?lang=en info@iri.uni-lj.si Ljubljana
  3. Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation (Center za prenos tehnologij in inovacij – IJS) Publicly-owned institutions http://tehnologije.ijs.si/ tehnologije@ijs.si Ljubljana
  4. Slovenian Tool and Die Development Center (Razvojni center orodjarstva Slovenija – TECOS) Publicly-owned institutions https://www.tecos.si/en info@tecos.si Ljubljana
  5. Consortium for Technology Transfer (Konzorcij za prenos tehnologij iz JRO v gospodarstvo – KTT ) Public organization http://jro-ktt.si/ Ljubljana


Facilities Access

  • Facilities: Laboratory of Robotics at Faculty of Electrical Engineering. https://robolab.si/
  • Equipment: Collaborative robots, industrial robots, haptics robots, equipment for measurements of accurate positions of active IR markers, force plates, system for 3D visualization and other lab equipment. https://robolab.si/research/infrastructure/